Mercedes-Benz and Setra offering sideguard assist to protect other road users

STUTTGART: Mercedes-Benz and Setra are now offering sideguard assist as retrofit solutions for almost all trucks, buses and coaches made by the two brands.

Sideguard assist supports drivers of trucks, buses and coaches especially in complex city traffic.

Sideguard assist are mainly for the protection of cyclists and pedestrians as well as those riding electric scooters – the most vulnerable road users.

Especially in city traffic, such systems help truck and bus drivers to carry out their difficult job.

Turning off in the direction of the co-driver is among the most difficult and risky tasks which a truck or bus driver has to carry out.

Setra S 531 DT TopClass 500, Modelljahr 2017 Setra S 531 DT TopClass 500, model year 2017

Not only do they have to look ahead for traffic lights, signs, oncoming and crossing traffic, but they also have to keep an eye on any road users who may be alongside the vehicle.

And that's without taking into account the weather or the time of day. Moreover, the traffic situation can change in seconds.

What's more, pedestrians and cyclists alongside the vehicle are not always aware of the fact that a truck or bus driver may not even be able to see them.

Yet it is these unprotected road users in particular who are most at risk of being involved in a collision.

Sideguard assist can make an important contribution here.

For example, accident research carried out by insurance companies anticipates around half of all accidents between trucks and cyclists being avoidable in conjunction with such a system.

The number of associated fatalities can ideally be reduced by almost one third, and the number of serious injuries by more than 40 percent.
Autos Mercedes-Benz
Autos Mercedes
Autos Setra