They're cheap and last for years: Where's your car fire extinguisher?

By dpa | 11 January 2021

BERLIN: A small fire under the car bonnet can quickly spread into a large, destructive blaze if its source isn't extinguished.

And yet it's rare to find a fire extinguisher in many vehicles.

"Expensive total loss could be avoided in many cases" if the driver has a fire extinguisher on hand, according to Soeren Heinze, of Auto Club Europa.

"And the extinguishers don't even cost that much - it's usually under US$20 (RM81) for a basic powder fire extinguisher, and only about US$35 or US$40 (up to RM160)for a slightly pricier foam extinguisher.

The accessories section of most car shops usually has a variety of fire extinguishers just for vehicles.

Jan Ole Unger, a firefighter in the German city Hamburg, says a 2-kilogram one that can fit in the boot or under back of the passenger's seat is best. "In this case, you should absolutely follow the manufacturer's installation instructions," adds Unger.

The extinguisher should be securely fastened in a spot that's easily accessible in case of an emergency, advises Heinze.

Fire protection expert Mathias Obst says it's worth making sure the extinguisher complies with standards of the country in which it is sold.

An extinguisher's contents and quantity play a decisive role in stopping flames. "The extinguishing sprays available in many markets aren't useful for vehicle fires because they don't have enough chemical in them, and the pressure's insufficent," says Obst.

Most extinguishers use ABC powder, which covers three types of flames: solids, liquid fires and gas fires. Foam extinguishers, on the other hand, are suitable only for class A and B fires, says Heinze. Powder ones also have more extinguishing capacity for the same amount of substance contained within them.

The right technique is crucial: "Try to fight the ember with short bursts - otherwise the two-kilo [powder] extinguisher is empty after only 12 seconds," according to Obst. The disadvantage of powder extinguishers is that once the fire's out, the powder's residue gets into every nook and cranny, and becomes very difficult to remove.

A foam extinguisher causes barely any consequential damage - but it can't be used on gas fires. "The advantage is that it's easy to use," explains Obst. The powder extinguisher pushes its contents out with great force, which may be overwhelming for some users.

Once purchased, an extinguisher lasts for over 10 years. "However, it's important that they're regularly serviced," says Heinze.

Usually they need to be inspected every two years by the manufacturer or a specialist.

Either powder or foam extinguishers are suitable for combustion vehicles and electric cars.

"The decisive factor is always the fire's progress. The usual fire extinguishers can be used on any vehicle for a small cable fire," says Unger. If a car is fully ablaze, however, there's not much that can be done with a two-kilogram extinguisher no matter the vehicle.
