By 2028, you might be able to charge your electric car in under 10 minutes

TOKYO: Nissan has announced plans to release its first model equipped with a solid-state battery on the market by 2028.

A major advantage of this new type of battery is that it would be much faster to charge. Other manufacturers are also working on such projects.

Nissan's solid-state battery technology promises to double energy density and significantly reduce charging time for electric vehicles. In theory, this type of battery could be recharged in less than 10 minutes. The battery was presented at the Oct 25-Nov 5 Japan Mobility Show here.

Most electric cars feature liquid lithium-ion batteries, which use a liquid as electrolyte.

But that's not the case in a so-called solid battery. As a result, they can operate in environments of up to 100 degrees Celsius, avoiding the risk of overheating and fire.

This eliminates the need for a dedicated cooling system, which is usually very heavy.

When comparing batteries of equivalent sizes, this type of battery has the potential to offer around twice the energy density of conventional lithium-ion batteries, with significantly shorter charging times and, icing on the cake, lower costs thanks to the use of less expensive materials.

Another advantage is that these batteries can be adapted to all types of vehicle, including heavy SUVs, commercial vehicles and so forth.

Nissan is not the only manufacturer working on this type of battery.

BMW, Ford and Volkswagen have also invested heavily in the development of solid-state batteries, not to mention Chinese manufacturers such as Nio.

It remains to be seen who will bring out a finished product first.

While Nissan intends to launch by 2028, solid-state batteries are unlikely to be used on a large scale before the next decade.
Autos Nissan