Covid-19: Ducati extends production closure

BOLOGNA (Italy): Ducati has extended the shutdown of its production lines until Mar 25.

Since the beginning of the health emergency in Italy, on Feb 24, The Italian bike maker has adopted a series of measures to limit the probability of the virus spreading at its plant in Borgo Panigale, Italy.

The measures taken by the company include temperature-taking of each person entering the plant, limiting unnecessary trips and reducing participants in meetings.

Also implemented were physical distancing, special procedures in the canteen and revision of shifts to reduce close contact between people.

Despite all this, the bike maker decided to suspend its production from Mar 13 to 18 in order to implement a series of adjustments to its production lines.

The company said that it wants to further increase the level of worker safety and introduce a multi-shift work programme to halve the number of people on the assembly line.

It added that the postponement of the reopening to Mar 25 was needed to ensure that full compliance with Italy's new guidelines (shared protocol, issued on Mar 14) was attained and will require a few more days of adaptations.

However, all of its activities related to the development of new products and market support will continue and is in compliance with the rules of conduct against the spread of COVID-19.

First and foremost, all support services for our customers are guaranteed (including) the supply of spare parts", said Ducati Motor Holding CEO Claudio Domenicali.

Domenicali assured the Ducatisti (Ducati fans) and dealers all over the world that they are organising themselves for the restart and will not fail to provide support when asked.
Autos Ducati