Cradling your phone to your ear while driving isn't being hands-free

BERLIN: Both hands are on the wheel, so why does it matter if you're using your shoulder to hold your phone to your ear while driving?

While it may seem to be in keeping with the spirit of laws that allow people to talk on their mobile phones with a headset while driving, cradling your phone is actually quite different - and dangerous.

Just think: What if you need to check your rear-view mirror or look over your shoulder? It doesn't take much for the phone to slip - and then fall between the brake pedal and the floor, or for the driver to lose control as he or she instinctually tries to catch the device.

A court in Germany essentially ruled to this effect in a case where a woman had been caught speeding but was also seen cradling her phone while doing so, bringing two fines, instead of one, for a mobile phone violation. She disputed it, but the court decided against her claim.

To avoid any chance of getting in trouble with the law - or an accident - it's thus best to use a hands-free set to chat with your loved ones when on the road. Plus, it's less stress on your shoulder!
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