JPJ says online posts of massive op on illegal window tinting are fake news

PETALING JAYA: The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has rubbished claims on social media that it would launch a large-scale operation against cars on the road in October.

The posts had claimed JPJ would be checking for illegal modifications and excessive tinting.

In its official Facebook post, JPJ says it was aware of the viral posts and messages on social media and stressed that it had not issued any such notice of a large-scale operation in October.

"JPJ is always committed to enforcing road-related laws for the benefit of the public.

"All road users are reminded to obey the rules and regulations while on the road," it said in its post.

It also advised the public not to trust unverified information online and to contact the nearest JPJ office for clarification.

It said complaints could also be forwarded to its official complaint channel at
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