Skoda UK promotes Laura in-car digital assistant

LONDON: Skoda's in-car digital assistant, named Laura, is available on the new UK model range from the Czech auto marque.

The digital assistant Laura can carry out a number of different functions at the driver’s request.

"With the ability to speak six languages and a permanent online connectivity, she is a valuable driver aid for owners,” says a spokesperson at Skoda UK.

Meanwhile, new research by Skoda UK shows almost a third of UK motorists have confessed to giving their car a name, with some Brits admitting to naming it after a family member or loved one.

In a survey of 2,000 drivers, 32% revealed they had named at least one vehicle they had owned, with a quarter of those admitting to naming three or more vehicles during their lifetime.

Skoda Kamiq Laura (Custom)

Skoda’s research further acknowledged the individual relationship we have with our cars, with over 450 unique names given by motorists.

Some of the more common ones that surfaced multiple times included Betty, Freddie, Daisy and Rosie. Beyoncé, Harrison Ford and Elvis Presley were the celebrity names listed while Bubbles, Beast, The Brussel Sprout, Zorro and Ketchup were examples of the more amusing choices from drivers.

Skoda's research also found that Brits had an incredibly strong affection for their cars, with 10% of motorists admitting they loved their car more than their spouse or partner, and one in seven claiming that their love for their car superseded that of their parents and/or siblings.
Autos Skoda