Test of steering wheel locks shows some models are purely for show

HAMBURG: When it comes to steering wheel locks, opinions vary greatly. Some see them a useful deterrent, slowing down a car thief enough to scare them off. Others say they're a waste of time.

One new analysis from car security testers shows that the locks can indeed make things harder for a car thief - but only if you know which model to buy.

As a mechanical anti-theft device, these wide, lockable bolts are supposed to make a car unsteerable by preventing the steering wheel from turning. They're especially popular among owners of older cars without modern security technology.

But while prices of these locks vary wildly, the testers at German car magazine Auto Bild agreed that cheap models are not a good idea.

In a 2021 test of eight models available in Europe, priced between about €16 and €98, half of the steering wheel locks were rated "poor".

Among these were the cheapest models, partly because they were too easy to break. In some cases, it was enough to simple jiggle a tool in the lock cylinder and they popped open immediately.

In this instance, the most expensive model (the Heyner Wheelblockpro for 98 euros) was also the best, according to testers. As the only model in the test with a combination lock, it was also the only one to score "very good."

The Stoplock Pro Maximum Security Steering Wheel Immobiliser (95 euros) and the price-to-performance winner Artago Special Security Europe 870 Universal (€79) were both ranked as "good."

Buying a cheaper model, on the other hand, will offer little security and may only serve as a visual deterrent.

If you drive a larger vehicle, it's worth noting that these locks don't always serve any purpose, as the steering wheels on larger vehicles can sometimes still be turned just enough, even when locked.

Regardless of test results, police say locks on a vehicle's steering wheel are still a huge deterrent to thieves, but note that it's equally, if not more, important to remove all valuables whenever you park.

Leaving items such as smartphones, GPS systems and laptops in clear view inside your car can be a huge draw for thieves.
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