Cycle & Carriage offers Covid-19 vaccination to entire workforce

By CARSIFU | 6 July 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: Mercedes-Benz dealer will be helping in the Covid-19 vaccination effort by offering it to employees across all its branches nationwide.

Cycle & Carriage has over 800 employees working across 11 dealerships in the peninsula.

The company is one of the first in the local automotive industry in Malaysia to commit to the vaccination programme en masse. The goal is to vaccinate as many employees as possible, from management to service personnel and technicians, to better serve our customers and community in a safe environment.

All costs of vaccination will be borne by the company and employees who have opted for the vaccination will receive their first dose of the vaccine as early as the third week of July.

"The quicker we achieve high vaccination rates, the sooner our communities and economies can start to rebuild," said Cycle & Carriage CEO Wilfrid Foo.
