Five tips to master dangerous situations on a motorcycle

By dpa | 21 June 2022

BERLIN: Motorcycle enthusiasts love the thrill of speed and the roar of the engine.

Nevertheless, the ride should not become a risky one. Here are five tips from the Auto Club Europe (ACE) on how to avert dangerous situations.

Be seen

To avoid being overlooked by other vehicles in critical situations is crucial. That means a glance
in the mirror is not enough; you should always turn and look over your shoulder when switching lanes.

In addition, always be ready to brake, be it in blind spots or at intersections, even when you have the right of way.

Braking in curves

If your motorcycle doesn't have ABS you should brake very sensitively when leaning into a curve. Otherwise, the tyres can lose lateral grip.

According to ACE, a warning sign that you should press the brakes gently is if the motorcycle shows a tendency to stand up.

Cornering position

Look in the direction of travel when cornering. If riders nevertheless misjudge the radius of the curve, they should avoid jerky movements, ACE recommends. Instead, counter-steer with a fluid and gentle movement.

Hazard braking

When you are forced to break suddenly, wheels with ABS have a clear advantage. Motorcyclists should react quickly and brake forcefully. Ideally, your fingers should be ready on the brake lever

Be aware, though, that when braking hard, the stronger braking effect on the front axle shifts the weight of the rider and the machine to the front.

Hazard braking, meanwhile, works differently on bikes without ABS. There is a risk that braking too strongly will cause the wheels to lock up. In the worst case, you could fall off. Therefore try to avoid overbraking.

Evasive manoeuvres

Motorcyclists should practise evasive manoeuvres in a safe place so that they’ll know how to react in a genuine emergency.

It also helps to keep your eyes on the clear lane and not on the obstacle you're trying to avoid. If you have to swerve spontaneously, you should counter-steer jerkily, unlike when cornering, says the ACE.
