How to deal with sudden gusts from the side when riding a motorcycle

BERLIN: Sudden gusts can be fatal for both cyclists and motorcyclists and road safety experts say if you should memorise the two things you need to do when wind surprises you from the side: put more weight on the front wheel and reduce your speed.

When a sudden gust hits from one side, you can expect your bike to suddenly be pushed a little off track.

If the wind is blowing constantly, you can easily lean sideways against it while keeping your hands firmly gripped on the handlebars. You'll want to make sure you don't tense up in this inclined position, however.

Places to watch for sudden side winds are forest roads, bridges and mountainous terrain.

Motorcyclists should also be alert when overtaking: Once you finally pass the car, that's when sudden gusts can surprise you and push towards oncoming traffic in the opposite lane.

To give the wind as little surface as possible to hit, motorcyclists should put some distance between themselves and any luggage behind them. This way the wind has a gap it can blow through.
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