JPJ counters opened for commercial vehicles

KUALA LUMPUR: The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has opened its counters, specifically for matters involving commercial vehicles starting today.

Kuala Lumpur JPJ deputy director Abdul Tolib Ahmad said the counter services would be opened from 8am to 1pm for commercial vehicles and their drivers.

"The services provided are not for private vehicles, taxis or e-hailing.

"We are opening the counters for the renewal of commercial vehicle licenses and settling of summonses, including blacklisted ones," he told a press conference at the state JPJ headquarters today.

Abdul Tolib said those who go to the JPJ offices must follow strict guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

"The public are required to fill in a biodata form before going to the counters.

"They must also wear face masks, practice social distancing and use hand sanitisers provided at the offices," he said.

Temperature checks will also be carried out, he added.

"We will advise those with symptoms to seek treatment at nearby clinics," he said.

Abdul Tolib said drivers of private vehicles, taxis or e-hailing would be exempted from renewing their motor vehicle licences and driving licenses during the movement control order (MCO) period .
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