Mercedes celebrates milestone: 10 million cars equipped with pedestrian emergency braking system

By CARSIFU | 15 November 2023

STUTTGART: Mercedes-Benz has reached a significant safety milestone with over 10 million of its passenger cars sold worldwide since 2012 being equipped with the pedestrian emergency braking system.

This system, known as Active Brake Assist, uses camera and radar-based sensor technology to detect pedestrians and cyclists in front of the vehicle and calculates the required braking force to avoid or minimise collisions.

Pedestrians are considered vulnerable road users, and statistics show that they accounted for nearly one-fifth of all road fatalities in the European Union in 2020 and 17 percent of traffic fatalities in the US in 2021.

Mercedes-Benz has been at the forefront of developing active safety systems for many years.

Aktiver Beitrag für mehr Verkehrssicherheit: Mercedes-Benz hat mehr als 10 Millionen Fahrzeuge mit dem Aktiven Bremsassistent mit Fußgängererkennung ausgestattet. Active contribution to greater road safety: Mercedes-Benz has equipped more than 10 milli

The company introduced its first Brake Assist System in 1996 and has since enhanced it with radar technology and the integration of distance control systems.

The pedestrian detection feature was added in 2013 and became standard equipment in the E-Class in 2016.

Since 2021, Active Brake Assist has been standard on all new Mercedes-Benz car models, surpassing legal requirements.

The company's commitment to safety extends beyond crash-test scenarios.

Mercedes-Benz has been conducting systematic accident research for over 50 years to develop vehicles that perform well in real-life road accidents. Their goal is to achieve Vision Zero, which aims to eliminate accidents involving Mercedes-Benz vehicles by 2050.

Aktiver Beitrag für mehr Verkehrssicherheit: Mercedes-Benz hat mehr als 10 Millionen Fahrzeuge mit dem Aktiven Bremsassistent mit Fußgängererkennung ausgestattet. Active contribution to greater road safety: Mercedes-Benz has equipped more than 10 milli

Looking ahead, Mercedes-Benz plans to continue improving its assistance systems with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence.

These systems play a crucial role in protecting vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.

Mercedes-Benz said it aims to help improve road safety for all users through its investments in innovative safety technologies.
