Nissan LEAF wins in beach sprint challenge

BANGKOK: In a first-of-its-kind driving test, Nissan LEAF, the world’s first mass-market 100% electric vehicle (EV) was challenged against speed of nature’s powerful elements - fire and wind.

On an enclosed area at Samroiyod Beach in Thailand, Nissan set up a one kilometer long challenge that put Nissan LEAF head to head with fire and wind, using a pyro-technician’s ‘fire-line’ and a champion kite surfer, to see who makes it to the finish line the fastest.

The challenge was conceptualized to change the perception that electric vehicles are not dynamic or exciting.

Nissan, a global leader in electric mobility and innovative technologies, wanted to dismiss this notion in the most eye-catching format.

The Nissan LEAF, with its rapid acceleration of 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds, raced ahead of its elemental rivals.

“With no doubt, electric vehicles are the most environmentally responsible cars of the future,” said Nirmal Nair, vice president marketing, Nissan Asia & Oceania.

The Nissan LEAF has sold more than 470,000 units worldwide to date.
Autos Nissan