No licence needed for micro-mobility vehicles, says Deputy Transport Minister

KUALA LUMPUR: There is no need to license micro-mobility vehicles, says Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Hasbi Habibollah.

Hasbi (PH-Limbang) told Dewan Rakyat that there was a public backlash when the government suggested creating licences for bicycle users.

“Previously, it was suggested that bicycles be registered and equipped with licence plates, and the public's response was not so positive, " said Hasbi during the Parliament Question Time today.

He added that cases in which micro-mobility vehicles were used to cross the highway are dangerous but not a frequent issue.

Hasbi was replying to a question from Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong (BN-Ayer Hitam), who wanted to know how the ministry will address the road safety issue involving personal vehicles such as electric scooters and mopeds with accelerators that are used to cross major highways.

Dr Wee also asked if personal vehicles must obtain licences when crossing such major roads.
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