Reserving parking bays illegal, offenders face RM500 fine, says JB mayor

JOHOR BARU: Customers at several areas here are annoyed that business premises have been reserving parking bays with chairs and other items, depriving others of the spot.

Businessman Tay Kin Leong said this was a common sight especially along Jalan Serampang in Taman Pelangi, from the evening onwards.

“It is frustrating to see items like chairs being placed at empty parking bays in front of massage parlours along the road.

“I suppose the operators want to reserve the parking spots for their customers but it is unfair for patrons who want to visit other shops in the area.

“I often have to circle the row of shops at least three times to find parking when there are bays available,” he said in an interview.

Housewife Melissa Sofian said business operators should not be selfish by hogging parking spots.

“I notice that they take up four to five bays, which causes inconvenience to others.

“Although my favourite bakery is located along that road, I usually try to avoid the area in the evening because parking spots are limited,” said the mother of two.

Checks by StarMetro also found business operators hogging parking spots in Tampoi and at commercial lots in Setia Tropika.

Restaurant patron G. Suretharan, 38, said some car workshops hogged parking spots by placing damaged vehicles and tyres.

“I could not park in front of the restaurant where I had a lunch appointment because most of the spots were taken up by the car workshop next to it.

“Some of the vehicles looked like they had been left there for a long time.

“Workshops should remove these vehicles so others can utilise the spots.”

Johor Baru mayor Datuk Mohd Noorazam Osman said those who wanted to reserve a parking spot for their businesses should buy a Johor Baru City Council (MBJB) season pass.

The council would then mark the parking bay with a yellow box and provide a standee to state that the spot was reserved for the said business premises.

“Businesses including massage parlours are not allowed to reserve parking spots by placing items within the lines of the parking bay.

“If caught by our enforcement unit, a fine of RM500 can be issued on the spot.

“We only give leeway to certain premises such as clinics to provide convenience to patients and senior citizens,” he said.

The mayor added that the city council had about 69,000 gazetted parking spots within its jurisdiction.