Soon you’ll be able to fill in roads missing in Google Maps

PARIS: A brand new tool integrated into Google Maps will soon allow anyone to modify the route of a road, or even to create one not yet referenced. This is yet another tool offered by Google to its community in order to make its mapping service more complete and exhaustive.

Anyone with a Google account will be able to interact with a new road editing tool for computers. It will soon be possible to report a missing road on the Google Maps platform.

To do this, simply click on “Edit the map” in the side menu and select “Missing Road”.

Then, the user will have to draw the road on the map by using more or less long segments, name it correctly and indicate the direction of traffic. It will even be possible to indicate if a road is temporarily closed and until when.

Each of these updates will be examined and then validated – or not – by Google’s teams before being definitively published in order to limit abuse (or bad pranks).

Until now, it was only possible to leave a note, without specifying the details of the route. This new feature will be deployed in the coming months, first in the United States, then in nearly 80 countries.

Other new features announced include the ability to show support for local businesses and the ability to update photos by uploading new images with additional information.
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