A square steering wheel could be in your future

PARIS: Peugeot's Inception concept was recently on show at the Viva Technology trade show here. Eye-catching details include the car's steering wheel, which takes the form of a small touch-sensitive tablet.

Called Hypersquare, it should be available on the brand's new models from 2026.

An essential component of Peugeot's next-generation i-Cockpit, the Hypersquare is set to make the conventional steering wheel look like a thing of the past.

The centrepiece of the Hypersquare is a screen displaying information about various settings (driving aids, climate control, music volume, etc.).

Each of the four corners of the screen is also equipped with circular recesses, enabling commands to be activated by simple thumb pulses.

All in all, the actions involved are very similar to those used for everyday smartphone use.

The idea is for drivers to be able to control all their vehicle's settings with their fingertips, via this touch-sensitive steering wheel, with simple clicks or a touch of the fingertips.

Ultimately, driving should be more intuitive and safer, since the aim is to minimize the need for drivers to take their eyes off the road.

Finally, the Hypersquare goes hand in hand with a flexible screen that displays 360-degree driving and entertainment information. It can even display information to people outside the vehicle. The Hypersquare steering control, part of the next-generation i-Cockpit, will be offered on new Peugeot models from 2026.

More generally, the concept car's interior is a showcase for the new techniques deployed to meet the Stellantis Group's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint by more than 50% by 2030, compared to 2021, and to move towards carbon neutrality by 2038.

These include textiles made from fabric scraps and recycled polyester.

As for the rest, Peugeot's Inception, the concept car on which the Hypersquare was unveiled, is a coupé that's almost 5 metres long, with a 500 kW electric motor and a range of 800km on a single charge. It remains to be seen whether this coupé will give rise to a production version that's as futuristic as this concept.
Autos Peugeot