Three tips to make you far more relaxed while driving

BERLIN: Tension at the wheel is bad news so the first step to being more composed when you are driving is to make it clear to yourself just how important it is.

Driving is safer if you are not stressed or feeling aggressive, says GTÜ, a German organisation, which tests motor vehicle safety.

After all, potentially dangerous driving manoeuvres fuelled by emotion, whether you are tailgating or try to overtake someone, increase the risk of accidents.

If you want to relax behind the wheel, try these three tips:

Calm down beforehand

Often people think tailgating is driven by frustration, but positive emotions like euphoria can also fuel a riskier driving style.

Whether you're feeling angry or happy, take the time and space to consciously calm down before you set off so you can drive safely.

Plan yourself a time buffer

Effectively planning your journey beforehand will help to eliminate time pressure. Check out the current traffic situation in good time so you can set off earlier if necessary and give yourself a buffer for anything unforeseen, to reduce the potential for stress.

Be alert and well rested

Tiredness makes people more irritable and slows down their reactions. So make sure you are well rested before you get behind the wheel and take sufficient breaks during a long journey.
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