Vehicles to get smarter with 6G arrival by 2030

STUTTGART: Researchers and engineers around the world are already working on the next generation of mobile communications, 6G, which should be available by around 2030.

Vehicles in particular could benefit from the high data rates and from the fusion of communications and environment detection.

Bosch head of 6G projects Andreas Müller said the US, China and Europe are racing to develop the 6G standard that holds the promise of higher data rates, lower latency, and improved reliability, among other things.

One key innovation involves integrating satellites into the network, expanding communication beyond Earth's surface. Satellites in geostationary orbit and low Earth orbit, along with high-altitude platforms like balloons, could play a crucial role.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to enhance 6G performance, optimising network operations and offering services like object classification in video recordings.

AI-supported hardware, such as neural receivers, is already in development.

Researchers envision 6G revolutionising the automotive sector, enabling real-time communication for autonomous vehicles, efficient data downloads, and enhanced road safety.

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Bosch is working with partners to more closely integrate what are currently separate communications and radar systems into a single 6G system.

To this end, real-time sensor data from various mobile vehicles will be coordinated and combined via 6G technology to provide a more accurate picture of the vehicle’s surroundings. The goal is to increase road safety and efficiency.

Beyond automotive, 6G is anticipated to find applications in industrial manufacturing, telemedicine, and robotics.

The versatility of 6G technology, backed by substantial government funding, aims to make Germany and Europe more technologically self-sufficient.

While 6G is poised to bring major advancements, experts already anticipate future innovations, possibly involving quantum-based processes, AI, and blockchain, shaping the direction towards the hypothetical 7G.
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