When it comes to cleaning your car, what's on the inside counts

By dpa | 25 March 2021

BERLIN: Crumbs get in the seat cracks, there's mud on the floor, and dust. Lots of dust: A car's interior can get just as filthy as the exterior and needs a cleaning once in a while.

For a professional-level cleaning, you need just a few basic products and a couple of hours set aside for cleaning and letting the interior fully dry, according to the experts.

First and foremost, do not use any cleaners that contain alcohol, says the Automobile Club of Germany (AvD). The plastics and Plexiglass in your car's interior, not to mention the soft coatings on surfaces, can become dull and cracked.

Alcohol-free window cleaners are perfect for cleaning your car's windows, while other interior surfaces, such as the centre console or door moulding, should be wiped down with a microfibre cloth that's been moistened with warm, soapy water.

A vacuum can be used to suck up any crumbs or dirt in the seats and any other cracks. Floor mats should be taken out and shaken, then wiped down with water and a foam cleaner.

If your car has leather upholstery or a leather steering wheel, the AvD recommends being sparing with leather care products.

To get rid of any residual odour after you've cleaned, just place a bowl of freshly ground coffee in the car overnight.
