WHO calls for 30kph speed limit in cities to reduce road deaths

GENEVA: Governments around the world need to do more to prevent road accidents, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said, calling on cities to introduce blanket 30kph speed limits to save lives.

Spain has increased road safety by introducing a speed limit of 30kph, the WHO reported, while Paris, too, has introduced the same speed limit on most roads.

According to the WHO, of the 12,000 people worldwide who die every day as a result of accidents and violence (a total of about 4.4 million per year), one in three of do so in road traffic.

Much more remains to be done in the area of road safety, the WHO analysts write, citing regulations such as alcohol limits, helmets and seat belts in cars, and safety standards for vehicles.

The experts attribute the number of deaths, among other causes, to "weak laws and inadequate law enforcement on key risks such as speeding, driving while intoxicated, failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts and child restraints, and distracted driving."

Not only do laws need to be tightened, but regulations must also be well monitored and violations should be punished.

An important contribution to more road safety would also be an affordable public transport network.
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